Tuesday, February 17, 2009

valentine's weekend

we had a really fun and long weekend. my parents had a long weekend (friday and monday off) so they were able to come up to our house and play. they took our girls on a "date night" (to macdonalds-kate's fave!) so that tim & i could go out for valentine's day. we had a lovely dinner at il foranaio, then dessert at "the creamery"-our favorite ice cream parlor. on valentin'es day we celebrated with lots of food! we made a big breakfast and did our little gifts. in the evening i made dinner, then did chocolate fondue for dessert. kate thought this was the best ever! on saturday the guys (including tim's dad) did crown molding in the kitchen and on monday finished in the master bedroom/office. it looks great and is another big thing crossed off the never-ending "to do" list. we had so much fun, and the girls absolutely adore their grammie and boppa. by the way, my dad loves "guitar hero" and thinks he is the next american idol. sorry dad, but you KNOW it's true:)

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