Wednesday, August 19, 2009


we are finally home from all of our adventures, AND i have finally figured out how to sort and post pictures on our new computer. the hard part is going to be choosing between ALL of them. fun things we've done this summer (so far):
-camping with tim's family at gualala (near mendocino) on the coast

-santa barbara for our 6th anniversary (minus the girls)

-my mom and dad visit in july

-church family camp in tahoe for a week

-spokane and idaho visit with my entire family

so, i will try and post as many pictures i have time for (the girls are in their rooms now, but you never know when the quiet will end.


1 comment:

Eric and Meg said...

what an amazing pix of you guys with your parents and the klossners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!! such a blow-it-up-and-frame it! :0)