Wednesday, June 10, 2009

sweet conversation

today we spent some time in the car driving. as we were driving the girls were happily reading and singing to the music we had in the car. randomly kate started with this:
k: mommy, you're the greatest mommy.

me: what does mommy do to make you say that?
k: because you love me......SO MUCH!
it is times like this that i am thankful that i've hung in there, and not given up. being a mommy, especially one that stays home, is an exhausting, sometimes unappreciated, and (by the worlds standards) an unglamorous job. BUT, when my 3-year-old says something like this, i realize it is ALL worth it!

1 comment:

Linds said...

What a sweet memory etched in your mind.... love those little times that make the rest of the not so fun times worth it:) You are a great MOM! hope to talk soon...