Saturday, August 30, 2008


you know, the barely flavored, air-like things that babies love to feed themselves. we have just discovered that amelia (& kate) love them and that she loves to feed herself. this works in our favor during meals, when she's in the stroller and just when we're bored. i hope we're not teaching her to be a snacker, but they sure keep her happy (& her thighs can vouch for that:)


Wallace said...

those things are dang good! sometimes i'd realize that i'd been accidentally snacking on W's puffs with him the whole time. oops.

Linds said...

I love seeing the puff on her face! Kellen loves those too(great distraction) and I'll be the first to admit that all the kids try to sneak them too, without Kellen seeing! She is growing so mcuh!