Thursday, July 24, 2008

one of those days...

most of you probably know what i am going to write, especially if you have kids. the morning started out great. we went to the park with some friends and came home for nap. amelia was kinda fussy, conmpare to her normally smiley self, but other than that, things were fine. after nap was a little different. first kate woke up-CRABBY is the only word i can use to describe her. amelia then woke up FUSSY. oh, and did i mention that tim is out of town???? we proceeded to spend the next 1.5 hours sitting on the potty (kate that is) while i was on a stool in front of her reading book after book after book, while holding a SCREAMING amelia. after that long, we finally had success going #2. that means that we have gone 3 times in the potty and have had not an accident in almost one week. YEAH! so, i guess this post is to express my gratefulness that both girls are now in bed, tim is on his way home, and that we have poop where it should be-the toilet!

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