Monday, April 14, 2008

summer is coming!

i LOVE that summer is on it's way! i think that i must say that a lot because my little parrot (aka kate) has started to say it too. she'll be playing outside and just randomly say, "mommy, summer is coming!" so, here is my top ten list of favorite things about summer (in no particular order).

1. flip flops/bare feet

2. swimming pools/beach

3. ice cream from the ice cream truck ( i figure we'll try that with kate this summer)

4. dinners on the patio

5. s'mores in our fire pit in the backyard

6. camping

7. shorts and tank tops

8.lots of visits from family and friends (we would love to have you!)

9. not knowing which day is which because there is really no "schedule"

10.the beautiful colors displayed all around us in nature

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